sábado, 20 de junho de 2009


"Her face just brought deception to this soul. The boundaries were now broken, the tears meticulously kept in hold were now rolling down, forming a deep lake of dreamt hopes. He noticed the cycles of sadness had been present more often, her voice was fading away every each passing day. His willing body demanded to be submerged into a viscuous sin whilst his mind starved for a virginal redemption, the purest salvation, leaving behind the material dirtness. The love had become less ethereal, gaining weight like a burden, the compromises firmed with the body's fluids imprisoned that soul, transmuting the life into a regardless oblivion state".

Vindo do meu outro eu.

2 comentários:

  1. haha
    isso realmente me lembra de quando eu era pseudo-gótica...
    escrevia coisas assim

    e a gente achava que tudo era preto e frio.


  2. Hahaha. Todos temps um lado preto e frio, e ao mesmo tempo super sexy!
